Let’s catch up, shall we? Traverski is still alive and kicking. We took a western trip to Sun Valley early in February. We had a great group of people and enjoyed some beautiful blue bird days.
February 22nd, some of us had a wonderful weekend in Whalen, MN, near Lanesboro, to cross-county and snowshoe. We had beautiful cabins and there was also a great tubing hill, plus a rink for broom ball. All equipment was provided. There wasn’t a lot of snow, so some of us just hiked along the Root River – beautiful country! We are planning on doing this again next year. Stay tuned for particulars.
A Boundary Waters trip is planned for late July as well as numerous camping get-togethers.
Next winter, we are planning a ski trip to South Lake Tahoe, February 4-11, 2023. We should have more particulars on prices and such by June, so keep watch on our website, traverski.wildapricot.org.
On another note, we have news about Bob Kershaw. I’m sure you remember him from many ski trips and planning MSC Winter Carnivals, where he was the master of ceremonies at the banquet. He came to Rochester in July 2019, and moved into my downstairs room while having treatment for cancer. He has 3 different kinds of cancer in various stages of treatment. Late August last year, his health declined to the point that he was transferred to a nursing home, thinking he would have to stay there indefinitely. But he began to improve, had another knee replacement, and the first of March, he moved into an apartment. All he had was a toaster and a coffee maker. It took Traverskis about a week or so to gather enough donations to completely furnish the apartment and five of us moved everything in to make Bob comfortable. I know he would love to hear from any of you; his email is blkershaw@comcast.net.
This year is Traverski’s 50th Anniversary. Hard to believe we have been around that long, but we all know that the lasting friendships we have created and the kind, compassionate and dedicated people in this group are just some of the reasons that we thrive. We are planning a celebration this summer and hope to see some former members come by.
Carole Lentz, cflower52@yahoo.com