23apr10:45 amState Capitol TourTUESDAY WIPEOUTS
Meet at 10:45 where the tours begin at the Capitol Information and Tour Center located in Room 126 on the first floor to the right side of the main (south)
Meet at 10:45 where the tours begin at the Capitol Information and Tour Center located in Room 126 on the first floor to the right side of the main (south) entrance.
45 Minute free tour (Donations accepted in the tour office.)
Lunch in cafeteria after tour if you are interested.
Please email RSVP to Rochelle Lorenz, rralorenz@gmail.com
Tour is limited to the first 35 members who RSVP to Rochelle.
Please RSVP responsibly.
April 23, 2019 10:45 am(GMT+00:00)
Room 126, First floor, southeast corner of the Capitol building