14may11:00 amTuesday Wipeouts Spring LuncheonTUESDAY WIPEOUTS
Our Spring Luncheon will be held on Tuesday May 14 at Jax Cafe. Doors to the Round Table Room open at 11 am. Enjoy cocktails, conversation and a delicious meal.
Our Spring Luncheon will be held on Tuesday May 14 at Jax Cafe. Doors to the Round Table Room open at 11 am. Enjoy cocktails, conversation and a delicious meal. Luncheon starts at noon, with a program and meeting at 1 pm. The speaker will be Mary Nussbaum who will elaborate on her new career as a bee keeper.
Registration form is in the Spring Newsletter. Please have your registration and check to Judi Peterson before April 30th.
Send check, made out to Tuesday Wipeouts, and registration to: Judi Peterson, 464 East North Avenue, Grantsburg WI 54840
May 14, 2019 11:00 am(GMT+00:00)
Jax Cafe
1928 University Ave NE Minneapolis 55418